Kasper Soeborg Ohlsen (born 1956 in Copenhagen, Denmark) son of Bertel Soeborg Ohlsen, concertmaster and cello player in the Danish Radio Symphony Orchestra, has been playing the guitar since 1970. His introduction to the classical guitar came through Joergen Bjoerslev, in 1981 finalist in the "Hommage a Segovia" competition Granada 81, now teaching at Esbjerg Music Conservatory in Denmark. At the age of 16, Kasper also had the renowned Danish guitarist Finn Olafsson as his teacher, but as a whole Kasper Soeborg is self-taught as a musician and composer.

Over the years Kasper Soeborg's repertoire has spanned from psychedelic rock to computermusic, so one may say he has emerged from the "melting-pot" of jazz, fusion, flamenco, folk and classical with a style and spirit that is very much his own. From 1983-89 Kasper was able to express this "world-music" via the acoustic guitar trio TIRANDO. In the autumn 99 Spanish guitar and Flamenco studies in Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain, supported by "Statens Kunstfond" (the State Art-fondation of Denmark). This has, since then, led to many travels to Andalusia, Spain. Highlights: From 1989 Kasper Soeborg has been giving koncerts in Denmark, Sweden, The Czech republic, Poland, France and the Kola-Peninsula over Moscow to Chuvashia in Russia. Also Canada ( as a part of "The SuperDanish" festival and New York in 2004 as well as several tours in Greenland, and the Faroe Islands.  La Semaine de la Musique Instrumentale 2007 in Tunesia and Bimbache OpenArt Worldmusic Festival El Hierro 2009+2011+12+13.
Polar Jazz-festival Murmansk Russia 2014. Espacio Ronda Madrid 2015. Nominated for Danish Music Awards World 2016.

Touring India with  Lars Bo Kujahn 2018/19.

International promotion at MIDEM (Cannes, France)1995-2003. International promotion at WOMEX 2003 and 2005 (Newcastle) and 2006-8 (Sevilla) + 2009-11 WOMEX-Copenhagen.  2012 Thesaloniki, Greece. as well Budapest 2015 and Santiago De Compostela 2016.

Las Palmas Gran Canaria 2018, Tampere Finland 2019.

Kasper has a small high-tech recording studio in CPH. Portable equipment well-suited for live-recordings, acoustic concerts o.a. Mac- Computers for editing and mastering.

Kasper has been teaching both acoustic guitar and electric guitar for a number of years and is presently tutoring at TRAX/FOF  in Copenhagen.

Kasper Soeborg plays a Manuel Contreras ll 1995 guitar, model India and a Sobrinos De Domingo Esteso guitar 1974 and  Alhambra 6P -1999. And a handbuilt Ole Kehlet 2005 12-stringed guitar.(as well as many others, not to be mentioned here...)

You are welcome to contact Kasper Soeborg on following address, or send an e-mail:

Kasper Soeborg
Skydebanegade 32, 4 tv
1709 Copenhagen V
phone:+45 36963434

Mobil: +4526259736



Photo:Lisbeth Holten